Maybe it is my European frame of mind, being born over seas where fashion is everything and people have very small closets filled with very nice things. From an early age I was taught to purchase things of quality and preserve them. And. That is precisely what I have done.
My everyday purse is three years old and I haven't purchased another one nor plan on doing so for many years. It was an investment.
I like to invest. I like quality.
So, when Suave contacted me and asked if it was okay for them to send me a package I said, "Sure." They did not mention what they were sending or that I had to review it or offer any money.
Several days later I arrived to a heavy package filled with goodies:

We wanted to share some good news about the economy. That's right, we said good news. You can look gorgeous even when the economy looks ugly.
Now we're asking YOU to put Suavenomics to the test!
Your friends at Suave.
In the package I had 6 Suave products and 6 more expensive brands. I was challenged to try them side by side. Now, I'll be honest with you. I did not try the more expensive brands that they sent... those have already been packaged up for a donation to a women's shelter in Cleveland.
I love my Aveda shampoo and my Caldrea lotions. I already know what expensive products feel like.
Tonight I had a date with Suave products. I put the children to bed and filled the tub with Suave's "Sweet Pea & Violet" and immediately my bathroom was fragrant. Now, I am not a big fan of scented products but this really smelled fresh. It suddenly put me in the mood to relax and enjoy the quiet time I had to myself.
The "Humectant" shampoo promised to be of salon quality and leave my hair soft and manageable. How can a $2.00 bottle of 14.5 oz shampoo do this? I have no idea but I kid you not my hair smells better then it does after an Aveda wash and it's very soft. And so thick, I keep running my hands through my hair.
The "Therapy Advanced Therapy Lotion" was missing from the box and I was most excited to try that out because I still believe that thick, luxurious, moisturizing lotions are the best thing ever.
The "Sweet Pea & Violet Deodorant" is typical deodorant. Hold on. Let me smell myself. Yeah, it smells clean and fresh and does what a deodorant is supposed to do. And the price is a dollar cheaper then my usual choice.
All in all, I was very pleasantly surprised with what I tried and that's the only reason I am taking 30 minutes out of my precious Friday evening to write this. I will, most definitely, be purchasing more Suave products for my entire family. They even have a money back guarantee.
Suave proved that it's time for me to stop overpaying for beauty products. Oh my gawd... what's next? Me trying on stilettos from Target and comparing them to Manolos? Now, that will be the day.
For every comment left on this post, between Jan 3rd through the 10th, I will donate $1.00 per comment to a women's shelter in Cleveland (Emergency shelter for women and their children who are affected by domestic violence). "Pay it forward" is my 2009 mantra and this is my very first stab at it. I will be donating all the "expensive" products Suave sent me along with my personal money donation.
Just tell me in your comments... have you tried any Suave products?
I am dubious, but I believe you! And I am with you on liking quality things. They just FEEL so much better! :-)
Not only do I use Suave deodorant, but I also use Suave hand lotions.
I have a lavendar smelling Sauve shampoo in our guest room -- as the helpful extra just in case someone staying over forgot his or her favorite. But then I used it one day when I ran out of my more expensive one, and I really liked it too. I also like that it smells clean and not too flowery for the kids to use. This is a great idea you have. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with this year.
Wonderful idea and I'm happy to participate.
I haven't used any Suave products in a while, but I know now that I will be trying the shampoo you tried out. That sounds fantastic!
Great post, terrific mantra, and awesome review. I don't use Suave for myself, but I do buy Suave for my kids because of the fun fragrances.
I love your idea to donate to a woman's shelter. Good luck paying it forward this year :).
On that note, I'd love to chat with you about vlogging for the new Mom It Forward site that goes live on Tuesday, January 27 at http://momitforward.com. I'd love to see how this project goes for you and feature it there. If you are interested e-mail us.
Great idea and great review.
I have not tried any of the Suave products recently.
I just may have to try a few of these though.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful weekend!
My hubby uses Sauve products all the time. Due to some skin issues I have to stick with particular soap and shampoo.
But the hubs does swear by the Suave product.
Good for you for "paying it forward."
I do have to say I don't use suave, my hair stylist seems to think if I'm going to pay so much for the color I better use the "good" stuff. But I buy suave for my husband. He and the kids use the shampoos and he and my 2 boys use the for men body wash. It smells pretty good too!
Yeah, I have a full closet of "investments" as well. And I love Suave products. And I bow down to your paying it forward resolution.
We do use Suave products. well most of the time. And I have used Suave for years, especially with the girls. They go through shampoo and conditioner like no one else.
I hope that this "paying it forward" event goes well. Many hugs!!
I have not tried these products but I can't wait to try the "Humectant" shampoo.
What an awesome way to pay it forward!
LOVE your "Pay It Forward" idea...and yes, our family uses lots of Suave products. They DO smell great, and are priced well below their worth! I didn't know about the Humectant product...will check for it next shopping trip! Thanks for the tips and your good deeds!
I still carry a 10 year old LV bag daily...probably needs replacing, but was worth the "investment".
Yea, this comment is worth a dollar. I use a lot of Suave products, because 1) I have a hard time spening a lot of money on myself 2) there is no two, I just thought it sounded better :)
Glad you are Paying it Forward
I use Suave shampoo, hairspray and children's wash all the time. Love them and love their value even more.
Hmm...you have peaked my interest. Now I am going to have to check out all the suave goodies! Thanks for the great review :)
Interesting. I have always been a shampoo snob, but in the name of saving money in the new year I may have to give this a try.
And I love your pay it forward idea!
I buy Suave shampoo for Jim and I use it every once in a while then I switch back to mine and it seems to work better. And I have bought the de-tangler for the girls before the smell was a little strong, but I think they like it because of that. LOL
I am on a Bumble Bumble kick right now but with this economy I think I may be buying Humectant shampoo you raved about :)
Thanks for doing this for the woman's shelter!
I think we have Suave children's shampoo and conditioner. They smell soo good and leave the kids' hair silky smooth.
I use Suave children's products for my kids hair, I haven't found any difference between them and the more pricey Loreal kids line. I have also given up my Avenda shampoo/conditioner habit in favor of Suave products for my own hair and while I miss the Aveda smell, I am not missing the price. I can't quite give up my favorite Archipelago shower gel yet, but maybe someday!
Very nice gesture...I hope they enjoy the products and the money you donate.
Good for you!!! I haven't used Suave in a while but if I were sent a big ass box, I would totally give them a try. Hint, HINT! ;)
I use their lotion and SWEAR by their detangler spray for my girls. If you haven't tried it, go buy some!
PS - you're a stud! What a neat idea!
I use suave detangler spary on my daughter. Works great!
My husband and I use Suave Shampoo. I use the deodorant, hairspray. All three of my kids use the kids's shampoo.
I definitely use the Suave Advanced Therapy Lotion. My daughter has eczema pretty badly, and it's the only non prescription lotion that doesn't get greasy, or cause an allergic reaction on her. I LOVE it.
i love suave just as much, if not more than i love the pricer brands. the detangler (we call it octopus spray) works wonders on master d's bed head and, like the Mom Babe said...the lotion is perfect for babes with ezcema. Great products (but i wish they'd come out with a comparable product similar to Aveda's Rosemary mint line)
what an awesome way to pay it forward! I am very happy to be "helping the cause"
As fot suave... I am a lifelong user.
I grew up using suave strawberry and honeysuckle way before it was "cool"
I now use it happily and by choice.
Hubby uses their bodywash instead of the expensive brands and can not tell a difference. I love their "professionals" line. I use their deodorant reguarly, but do use the expensive "RX strength" in the summer.
My SIL works at a very upscale salon and has gifted me some very luxurious shampoos and conditioners. I use them once or twice a month for a deep conditioning, otherwise I use suave daily and she can not tell a difference!
Loved the review!
This is a wonderful wonderful way to pay it forward!!!
Gosh...I don't do a lot of Suave products but I'm gonna have to change that.
Way to Pay it Forward. And there isn't a better place to receive it. Good job.
Great review and a great pay it forward idea too!
Daughter and I both use Suave products all the time.
Ok, I'll help you pay it forward;) I have found that switching products time to time helps keep things looking good than simply always paying premium. But I don't wear heels, so what do I know;)
Nice. I'll have to try Suave. Now I'm going to go take a bath.
Awe, so nice! And yes! I've definitely tried suave. I love their tropical coconut scent & it's so totally affordable.
Happy new year!
I love Suave. I love Aveda too. I can hardly tell the difference. More about the smell of Aveda for me. But, since the economy stinks, I am seeing more Suave than Aveda these days. I am impressed you are giving away money. My husband would KILL me for donating so much.
Just like you and Indy, I love my Aveda, but my wallet loves my Suave!
Thanks for giving back!
Hope they get a lot of money !!!
I do like Suave body washes and lotions. Not really fond of the shampoos though!
I've used suave hair care products often and have loved them. I've recently tried shower gel and lotion and have loved them too. I love finding good quality items for a good price!
KA-CHING! I'll buy some more Suave!
I just bought Suave shampoo for my 12 yr old because my more expensive products were making his hair greasy(it's too long) His hair looks and smells great!
ALL I use is Suave. Except deodorant: there are 2 I use and whichever is cheaper on that particular day is the winner...
ANYway. I use the Suave children's shampoos and also the Children's detangling spray for all of them. I recently started using the spray on myself to keep the flyaways down due to the winter air. And you know what? My hairdresser asked me what I was using because my hair was so soft and healthy.
Suave Rocks.
Diddo-All I use is Sauve too. I love all of their products because I appreciate expensive products but cannot afford them. So Sauve is the next best thing. They spend tons of money in R&D to be able to offer money back guarantee while comparing to salon products. I'm so glad that you have experienced the everyday-ness of Suave.
I have loved Suave for years. Don't tell anyone though k? And I get like loads of compliments on my hair...no matter what style...people are always telling me I have 'great hair'. Even my hair dressers...."I can tell you use quality products. It feels so healthy"...and I smile and say "oh yes, of course"...do they have to know it is Suave? Nope. no they DON'T!!!!!!
Hope you get tons of comments. I will Twitter this for you too.
You are such a good Egg! I have loved Suave for years however for a long time I was a closet Suave user as it seemed that I should be using the other expensive stuff that my friends were using.. But the other stuff left my wallet empty and my hair limp! Love the Suave!
Wow! I actually am using their deodarant these days. Def. works! Shampoo is our go-to guest bathroom option and I often get the Suave man shampoo for my hubby.
The idea of paying it forward should be that their is additional strength in numbers. I will match your donation. Let me know if you haven't found a shelter and I can give you the name of some (I run a non-profit in my non-mommy time and help numerous shelters in Cleveland area.) Let me know after the 10th how much and who to make the check out to...I can either mail under separate postage or drop off for you to include.
Here's to hoping somebody helps a worthy organization in their own neighborhood.
This is such a fantastic post and has definitely got me thinking about how i can Pay it Forward in 2009...and makes me want to run out and buy some Suave products and try them out! I'm going to be thinking of a way that i can pay it forward in my community and hopefully post on my blog about it soon!
I have nver used Suave products before but now you have me thinking...maybe I'll pick some up...
Hi! I stumbled across your blog yesterday and so far, I LOVE it!
I use Suave shampoo, mousse and hairspray. I have used Suave lotions in thepast but I, too, prefer a thicker, creamier lotion than what Suave offers. Oh, their bodywash is good, too!
How can I NOT comment? Good job Ohmommy! And I love the Suave kids shampoos and conditioners, it is easy to let them pick out their fav scent when it's only $1.39!
I'll be trying Suave soon!
I use Suave for my kids all the time--fun scents. I'll be trying the Suave body cream. I am pretty brand-loyal with my hair products.
I'd be willing to go with a new deodorant, as well, if only to support a company who's willing to pay it forward. But if it smells good? Then that's just a bonus.
Yea for paying it forward! Happy to do my part (or rather, you doing your good deed) to help out Ohioans (my home state). And yes - I do use Suave sometimes...I buy from the salon one month, Suave the next time I need, then back to other $tuff, and so on. The alternating method lets me have a treat now and then, but also not feel too guilty about rinsing-and-repeating it all away.
Happy New Year!
No suave products here - they aren't available in Australia. But so glad that you're "paying it forward" to the Cleveland womens shelter.
I actually just bought Suave for my girls to use and it smells great.
The Womens shelter is a great gift.
I believe there are some things worth paying more for and some things that aren't. For me, shampoo and conditioner are in teh not worth more category. I've used Aveda shampoo & conditioner and LOVE the smell, but can't bring myself to spend the money on it when the other stuff leaves my hair looking and feeling the same.
Now, I DO spend the money on Aveda hand cream in the winter. There is NOTHING better than this stuff to keep your hands from drying and cracking in the midwest winter. Even my husband admits to a difference.
Great idea to pay it forward!
I use Suave deodorant and I really like it. I haven't tried any other products though. The bath stuff sounds really nice.
I do prefere the more expensive hair and facial products. After reading your post, I will have to reconsider my position on "you get what you pay for".
I think it absolutely awesome that you are giving back to those that are more unfortunate than others!!! May you have a wonderful New Year!!!
I love Suave products. The advanced hand cream works well for the winter-chapped skin that I get. I think that paying it forward is a great idea. good for you.
You rock! And I like their products a lot. Buy them whenever they are the best deal.
I love your pay it forward idea...what a great thing to do!
I am not too picky with my hair products and have used Suave shampoo and conditioner many a time. I think they have great prices and the scents are great. My kids love that they can pick there own concostions and buy several differnet "flavors" at a time.
Just an FYI: the "Daily Clarifying" shampoo and conditioner are great to use every once in a while to decrease buildup and leave your hair feeling ultra clean!
GREAT IDEA!!! Wish I would've checked earlier! w
I love that you're donating to the women's shelter. Wish I had read it before the tenth.
Very classy!
I have not used suave, perhaps maybe I will try it now?? Not too sure.
I have that same handbag - bought in 2003 for a diaper bag and have used it since! LOVE IT! The shoes - gorgeous - but I could never walk in those babies!
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